The Visiting Cards es un para creadores de tarjetas de presentación digitales, una manera fácil de compartir sus contactos y hacer crecer sus relaciones profesionales.
TRY DEMOSCree fácilmente un código QR para su tarjeta de visita y dé una excelente primera impresión. Rellena tu perfil, ¡es sencillo!
Comparta fácilmente su tarjeta de presentación digital con cualquier persona que utilice un código QR o envíela por correo electrónico, un enlace y más. puede descargar el código QR e imprimirlo en folletos, boletines informativos o vallas publicitarias.
Sus clientes encontrarán la manera de comunicarse con usted. Todo lo que necesitan hacer es escanear el código QR y elegir un mejor canal para comunicarse contigo.
Design your digital visiting card in 2 minutes with trendy small website layouts - it's easy, elegant and affordable. Connect is always in your single click, never tears and never runs out for printing cards. known very well, there are plenty of people who don’t like paper business cards. Your Digital Visiting Cards can be easily updated with our user-friendly dashboard, after publishing your E-business cards, directly shared on your networks such as friends, clients and easily indexing on search engines.
Equip your potential clients with contact-free digital business cards they can safely watch your business portfolio with your prospects or directly you can show over Zoom, Teams and teleconferences. Your valuable staff can share to needy people without touching them, reducing health risk across your workforce and sales teams. going digital means you can track your Digital card, share it in seconds and leave a lasting impression on the people you on business meet and E-card is a clever way of online marketing.